Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Anyone for a giant dose of cuteness?

I always have been a bit of a procrastinator.

 Okay a LOT of a procrastinator.

So it's no surprise we didn't get our act together early enough to time all of our critter births when the 4-H kids were looking for projects. Add to that our young buck was apparently a late maturer when it came to his little swimmers if you get my drift, but alas, love did finally blossom around here....

  The first goat is due in a couple weeks and showing all signs of going early.

The chicks are here!
We had a 12+ hour power outage Saturday night, so the chicks and I got well acquainted while they slept overnight under my shirt. Oh the things I'll do for my critters!

Baby bunnies came last night for both mama's. Above is the proud papa. It will be a few days before I attempt photos since these are first time mom's and I don't want to disturb them.

Then this little surprise showed up all alone right before the big storm Saturday night.

 I am almost embarrassed to say how many times I went out during the storm to check on the little squeaker.

 I have an idea who is Mama is (Krypto the super duck) but she's not talking.

 Everyone who was sitting a nest still has full ones? Since no one is fessing up about the little stinker, the whole flock has taken to caring for him. If he sees me coming he either bee-lines under the nearest duck tail and hides in their shadow, or darts into the nearest nest and under the wing of whichever mama is in it. I'd heard Muscovies were practically self-sufficient from day one, but wow! He certainly is a pistol.

Ralph came off her nest to protect him from the paparazzi

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